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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Scouting Heritage Merit Badge

The Lawrence L. Lee Scouting Museum and Max I. Silber Scouting Library are the perfect resource for Scouts to earn Scouting Heritage Merit Badge.  Six of our volunteer Docents are registered SHMB Counselors.  And the information necessary to fulfill Requirements 1, 2, 3, and 4 is contained within our permanent exhibits.

Scouts must present a signed Blue Card, and have printed a copy of both the requirements:

and the worksheet:

They can also pick up a copy of the merit badge booklet at the Scout Store (right next door to the Museum), or preview it here:

Requirements 1, 2, 3 , and 4 can be completed during an in-person visit to the Museum, or by viewing the Virtual tour included on this website.  Requirements 5, 6, 7, and 8 are intended to be completed on your own, or with your unit.  However, if a Scout has already completed these requirements, he/she can bring photos, collected items, or written reports of their interviews to the Museum, or show them on a Zoom call, for the counselor to review.

A VIRTUAL VIDEO TOUR of the Museum, written specifically to address the SHMB requirements, is available on this website.  Return to the “home page” and select the “VIRTUAL MUSEUM TOUR” page from the index.  Then, follow the instructions on that page.  The video is best watched in “stop-time” so you can write down on your SHMB Worksheet the information displayed with the exhibits that fulfills the requirements.  This is an INTERACTIVE exercise — you must then “Describe to your counselor” that you have LEARNED these facts, in order to meet the requirements!

This merit badge can be earned entirely by “remote control” — on-line and via ZOOM, and Scouts from across the country have already done so.  To get more information, or to schedule a live or virtual meeting with a counselor, please e-mail: